Friday, October 26, 2012

Art Expo 2012

Well October is drawing to a close, and the Manitoba Art Expo is taking place this weekend. The show has been re-branded, and this years show promises to be the best yet. I am absolutely thrilled to have my work shown in the same venue as this group of amazing artists.

I had dropped by on Thursday to set up my booth, but I had forgotten my signature piece "Inferno", since I have it hanging in my office. It's one of my favourite pieces, and don't really want to part with it, but would be willing to do so if the price was right. I'm hoping to be able to hang it up on Friday before the show opens.

I was really pleasantly surprised to see that Inferno was chosen as one of the pieces that appeared on the cover of the 2012 Art Expo show guide. It's the red piece in the centre of the sample paintings.

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