Friday, September 17, 2010

13 +

I'm excited to report that most of the paintings have been hung in preparation for the "13+" show being held at the Pavilion Gallery Museuem at Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg. 13+ is a collaborative show with my friend and mentor, Ludolf Grolle, and is the first ever abstract expressionist show to be held at the Pavilion Gallery Museum.  Philip Heymans, the gallery curator, will be putting the finisihing touches on the show this weekend in preparation for the public opening on Tuesday September 21st. The show will run until the end of October, with a special "opening" evening to be held starting at 5:30PM on Thursday, September 30th. Admission is free, and everyone is welcome to attend.

The Pavilion Gallery Museum is located in the centerpiece building within Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg's largest public park. It is open for public viewing from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Sunday. The 13+ exhibition is being held in the 2nd floor rotation gallery.

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