Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Metal Art

Several months ago, I had been approached by a company called "All My Walls - Art & Decor". They sell really cool metal reproductions of contemporary paintings, and had asked if I'd be interested in having some of my work made available to their clients. I checked out their web site, liked what I saw, so I decided to give it a try and sent them some sample hi-res images of some selected pieces. It has taken a long time, but they now have metal reproductions of five of my pieces available for purchase through their web site.

My favourite of the five is their 7 piece reproduction of my 12" x 48" canvas piece called Time Flies. The metal version is a bit larger, at 23.5" x 66".

For some reason, the multiple piece ones appeal to me, so my second favourite is their 3 piece reproduction of my 22" x 30" paper piece called When I Look To The West. Their version of this one is close to original size.

The other three pieces are all single piece reproductions. They include my paper pieces Shockwave and Sooner, as well as my piece on Yupo Paper entitled Needle In A Haystack.

These pieces can be purchased directly from "All My Walls". The link to my items on their site is here.

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