Sunday, January 11, 2015

Great start to the New Year

Well here it is, 11 days into the new year. As is typical of Winnipeg for this time of year, the weather is less than ideal, but at least the mosquitos aren't a problem :-).  The frigid temperatures had taken their toll on my wife's car, but with a new battery it's starting again without any problems.

The issues with cold weather and car problems have been offset by a very successful show at Mona Lisa, with three additional pieces having been sold so far in January.  This brings the total for this show to 6 pieces, making this my best show by far.

I've been lucky enough to have replacement pieces available to use for the pieces that have been sold. One of the replacement pieces I brought in was "Transition", which was the piece that I painted for my annual tradition of starting a piece one year and finishing it the next. I'm very pleased to report that "Transition" was only in place for 2 days before it was sold yesterday. I'll be dropping by the restaurant with a replacement for it, and will be dropping it off to its new owners on Monday.

The pieces that have been sold so far this year are:

"Silence Speaks"
Acrylic on 24" x 30" canvas
Sold January 6, 2015

"Take Two"
Acrylic on 30" x 30" canvas
Sold January 8, 2015

Acrylic on 24" x 30" canvas
Sold January 10, 2015

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